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Публикации fexricyprus

4 публикаций создано fexricyprus (учитываются публикации только с 05-июня 23)

#67150 Sual-Cavab

Отправлено автор: fexricyprus 13 декабря 2010 - 04:18 в Ümumislam mövzular

Ehli Beyt Asigi, linkine gore cox sagol! Yazdim yolladim mektubumu. insAllah tezlikle cavab geler. Ictihada qaldiqda, teessuf ki uzun zamandir konkret teqlidim yoxdur. Artiq teqlide baslamag isteyirem. Azerbaycandan kenarda yasadigimnan kitablardan elim uzulmusdu, amma sagolsunlar, bele saytlar var ki qardaslarla elaqe saxlayiriq. Lenkeraniye teqlid edirdim 4 il once. Lenkeraninin hokmlerile dinime emel edirdim. Indi ise yeni suallar cixdigindan arasdirmalarimin sayi artib, ve Sistani Aganin materiallarini daha cox tapiram. Amma menim meselem mene cox maraglidi.
Yuxarida qeyd etdiyim shertlerden biri mene shamil oluna biler kimi gozume gorsenir.
Yeni men qiza sheri ve adet baximindan uygun bir muselmanam. Ve qizin atasinin icazesin almag istesek boyuk ehtimal yox deyecek.
Atasi sunnidir ve namaz qilir. Qizin ilk iliskisinden narazi olublar. Amma qiz serbest boyudulduyunden her seye ozu qerar verdiyini deyir. ve hec kesden hec ne sorusmaga ehtiyac olmadigini deyir. Ustelik de ki, atasi sunni kisiye mut'anin ne oldugunu basa salmag olmayacaq. Onlar bunu haram bilirler.
Bu halda izn almaga ehtiyac var yoxsa yox? Maraglidi.
Al-Islam sen de coxsagol!
Allah hamimizdan razi olsun insAllah ve bize her zaman dogru yol gostersin. Bu agir ayin da xeyrini eskik elemesin! Kafirlerin ve munafiqlerin hicaba qadaga qoyanlarin cezasini tezlikle versin!
Forumdan hele tam basim cixmir, insAllah oyrenerem :unsure:
Salam Aleikum

#67134 Sual-Cavab

Отправлено автор: fexricyprus 12 декабря 2010 - 21:30 в Ümumislam mövzular

Salam Aleykum hamiya! Bir sualim var.
Bakireliyini zina ile bir insanla pozmus ve buna pesman olan bir qizla mut'a elemek isteyirem. Atasinin icazesi vacibdir yoxsa yox? Qiz muselmandir. Amma evropeyski muselman. Melumati cox azdir. Valideynlerinin esli dagistanlidi.

Aleykuma salam.
Atasının icazəsi vacibdir.
Cünki qızın bakirəliyi sağlam yolla pozulmayıb.

Allah razi olsun! Bes onda basqa bir sual:

Ayatullah Sistaninin risalesinden

2386. In the following situations, it will not be necessary for a woman to seek the permission of her father or paternal grandfather, before getting married:
Qarsida gelen hallarda qadina evlenmek ucun atasi ve ya babasindan izn almag vacib deyil.

If she is not a virgin.
Eger bakire deyilse.

If she is a virgin, but her father or paternal grandfather refuse to grant permission to her for marrying a man who is compatible to her in the eyes of Shariah, as well as custom.
Eger Bakiredirse (nece ki bizim hal sayilir: http://www.islam-law...eforwest/45.htm bu linkde 393-cu qanun zina ile bakireliyi pozulmus qadinin hokmunu bakire qadinin hokmu ile eyin gosterir.) AMMA ata ve ya babasi qiza ona shariat ve adet gozuyle baxanda uygun olan kisi ile evlenmeye izn vermekden imtina ederse.

If the father and the grandfather are not in any way willing to participate in the marriage.
Eger ata ve babasi hec bir vechle qizin izdivacinda istirak etmek istemirse.

If they are not in a capacity to give their consent, like in the case of mental illness etc.
Eger onlar qiza raziliq vermek bacariginda deyillerse, eqli xestelik hallarindaki kimi.

If it is not possible to obtain their permission because of their absence, or such other reasons, and the woman is eager to get married urgently.
Eger onlarin (ata-baba) hal hazirda olmadigindan iznini almag mumkun deyilse, ve ya bunun kimi sebeblerden, ve qadin tez bir zamanda evlenmeye can atarsa.

Menim halimda qizin telebini odemek ucun tez bir zamanda yaxinliq elemeye ehtiyaci var. Etmezse yene zinaya ducar olmag ehtimali var.
Yuxarida adi cekilmis hallardan umumiyyetle bizim hala aid elemek olar?

#67113 Sual-Cavab

Отправлено автор: fexricyprus 12 декабря 2010 - 17:55 в Ümumislam mövzular

Salam Aleykum hamiya! Bir sualim var.
Bakireliyini zina ile bir insanla pozmus ve buna pesman olan bir qizla mut'a elemek isteyirem. Atasinin icazesi vacibdir yoxsa yox? Qiz muselmandir. Amma evropeyski muselman. Melumati cox azdir. Valideynlerinin esli dagistanlidi.

Ingilisce bilenler ucun daha detalli sualimi shiachat.com forumuna da yazmisam sual olarag altdaki adrese:

Mektubumun mezmunu:
As Salamu Alaikum!

I have one important question and need help.
I am a student studying in Cyprus. I met one girl (studying in Greece) on internet and we like each other. She will travel to home (her parents and home are in Cyprus close to the place I live) at the end of this month, December 2010. She will spend her winter vacation home and go back to Greece to continue her studies. She is not a virgin but she was not married either. She had one christian boyfriend for two years and they no longer date each other since 2010 summer. She had sexual intercorse with that guy (but were not married). The girl is muslim but does not practise it (pray, fast, etc.). Her parents are immigrants from Moscow but originally from Dagestan and though sunni muslims. I am 12 imam shia. The girl I want to make a mut'a now has done zina for 2 years. And I am explaining her about islam and trying to make her know more. She tells me that she is very repentant about her deed with that christian guy altough loved him very much at that times.
I am 21 and the girl is 22 years old. She tells me that she can decide whatever she wants for herself and does not need anybody's permission. And also told me that her parents are not interfering her sexual life. BUT she also told me that her parents were against her relationship with that CHRISTIAN Greek guy. And I thought her father will not also permit me to make mut'a with her. (He is Sunni for God's Sake) I'm very confused.

According to Ayatullah Sistani's 2386 ruling if the girl is not virgin mut'a with that woman is permissible without asking her father.

2386. In the following situations, it will not be necessary for a woman to seek the permission of her father or paternal grandfather, before getting married:

1. If she is not a virgin.
2. If she is a virgin, but her father or paternal grandfather refuse to grant permission to her for marrying a man who is compatible to her in the eyes of Shariah, as well as custom.
3. If the father and the grandfather are not in any way willing to participate in the marriage.
4. If they are not in a capacity to give their consent, like in the case of mental illness etc.
5. If it is not possible to obtain their permission because of their absence, or such other reasons, and the woman is eager to get married urgently.

But in another page I found from this link (http://www.islam-law...eforwest/45.htm) ruling 393 that the girl that has lost virginity by fornication (zina) is considered as virgin.

"ruling 393 : The consent of the father or the paternal grandfather is not required in the marriage of a non-virgin woman (that is, a girl who had previously married and had sexual intercourse). But the case of the woman who had lost her virginity because of fornication or another cause is like that of a virgin."

So my question is can I make temporary nigah with her (mut'a) without asking her guardians?

Thank you very much.
As Salamu Alaikum

#67112 Mütə haqqında mübahisə

Отправлено автор: fexricyprus 12 декабря 2010 - 17:50 в Şiə-sünni dialoqu

Salam Aleykum hamiya! Bir sualim var.
Bakireliyini zina ile bir insanla pozmus ve buna pesman olan bir qizla mut'a elemek isteyirem. Atasinin icazesi vacibdir yoxsa yox? Qiz muselmandir. Amma evropeyski muselman. Melumati cox azdir. Valideynlerinin esli dagistanlidi.

Ingilisce bilenler ucun daha detalli sualimi shiachat.com forumuna da yazmisam sual olarag altdaki adrese:

Mektubumun mezmunu:
As Salamu Alaikum!

I have one important question and need help.
I am a student studying in Cyprus. I met one girl (studying in Greece) on internet and we like each other. She will travel to home (her parents and home are in Cyprus close to the place I live) at the end of this month, December 2010. She will spend her winter vacation home and go back to Greece to continue her studies. She is not a virgin but she was not married either. She had one christian boyfriend for two years and they no longer date each other since 2010 summer. She had sexual intercorse with that guy (but were not married). The girl is muslim but does not practise it (pray, fast, etc.). Her parents are immigrants from Moscow but originally from Dagestan and though sunni muslims. I am 12 imam shia. The girl I want to make a mut'a now has done zina for 2 years. And I am explaining her about islam and trying to make her know more. She tells me that she is very repentant about her deed with that christian guy altough loved him very much at that times.
I am 21 and the girl is 22 years old. She tells me that she can decide whatever she wants for herself and does not need anybody's permission. And also told me that her parents are not interfering her sexual life. BUT she also told me that her parents were against her relationship with that CHRISTIAN Greek guy. And I thought her father will not also permit me to make mut'a with her. (He is Sunni for God's Sake) I'm very confused.

According to Ayatullah Sistani's 2386 ruling if the girl is not virgin mut'a with that woman is permissible without asking her father.

2386. In the following situations, it will not be necessary for a woman to seek the permission of her father or paternal grandfather, before getting married:

1. If she is not a virgin.
2. If she is a virgin, but her father or paternal grandfather refuse to grant permission to her for marrying a man who is compatible to her in the eyes of Shariah, as well as custom.
3. If the father and the grandfather are not in any way willing to participate in the marriage.
4. If they are not in a capacity to give their consent, like in the case of mental illness etc.
5. If it is not possible to obtain their permission because of their absence, or such other reasons, and the woman is eager to get married urgently.

But in another page I found from this link (http://www.islam-law...eforwest/45.htm) ruling 393 that the girl that has lost virginity by fornication (zina) is considered as virgin.

"ruling 393 : The consent of the father or the paternal grandfather is not required in the marriage of a non-virgin woman (that is, a girl who had previously married and had sexual intercourse). But the case of the woman who had lost her virginity because of fornication or another cause is like that of a virgin."

So my question is can I make temporary nigah with her (mut'a) without asking her guardians?

Thank you very much.
As Salamu Alaikum
